The False Alarm

The firetruck station sits a distance from and old factory. A malfunction had occurred and the factory was violently puffing out smoke. From the angle that the fire station sits, it looked like there was a large, raging fire in the distance. There reaction was to get geared up jump in the truck and go, that’s what they did. They are on there there way and they notice that the smokeis grey and looks a bit loke clouds, not black and dark like a house or wild fire. They approach and what do you know, it’s just the old factory. The firemen are very proud of the way that they reacted in an instant.

The red industry

The motholin factory other wise known as the red industry, (this isn’t a real factory btw). The oldest factory in the US, this factory holds the most expensive, valuable and largest diamond of all time. Guards surround the factory 24/7 and are heavily armoured. They have guns and any intruder will be detected by super modern tech. The factory is equipped with 218 high tech security cams and lazers to blow anyone to bits in milliseconds. All of a sudden the loud speakers go off ” evacuate evacuate! “. Evryone is afraid and urgent to get out. No one knows what has actually happened. Then out of nowhere ” boooom bam whoosh smash crack!!” It all happens so fast. No survivors remain.

The lighthouse

An abandoned lighthouse sitting in the middle of the most beutiful beach around. A legend says that it has been haunted and controlled by a wicked witch that has never been caught. I and my friend was on a journey around the globe by boat and while planning the long lasting trip I would have to pass the “haunted” lighthouse. People say that the light can change colours to a hypnotising colours and sometimes make awful noises that can put you to sleep in seconds. Well I approach the lighthouse trying not to notice it and then out of no where, ‘bam!!’.What did I tell you about the lights? ‘ my friend thought’.

pt 2 soon.